Miracles All Around

A Hospital Birth Just Like She Wanted
Birth comes with both uncertainty and unending possibility. While there’s much beyond our control, many have found they have a much better experience when they’ve taken the time to prepare, think through their wishes, and express them to their care providers. Feeling seen, heard, and able to make choices throughout make a world of difference in how we feel about our birth, or anything we do, really. Especially something that involves our entire heart, soul, mind, and body…

Your Birth, Your Way
After three lovely hospital births and a fabulous freestanding birth center delivery, Heather knew she still wished for her last baby, #5, to be born at home…

An Empowering HBAC
What is an HBAC? It’s short for Home Birth After Cesarean. It means that someone who previously had a c-section is having a vaginal birth this time, and is also birthing at home. There’s something extra empowering about both VBAC’s and homebirths in general, so combining the two can make for a truly incredible experience.

A Peaceful Birth
A peaceful waterbirth at Willow Midwives freestanding birth center.